Homework Policy


Nil sine labore – We achieve nothing without effort

School Motto

1. Rationale:

Homework is important at all stages of a child’s education and when used properly, it extends the challenge open to the pupil and ensures that teaching time is used to maximise the effect. Homework makes a significant contribution to the development of independent learning.

2. Aims:

Through this policy we aim to:

  • ensure that parents are clear about what their child is expected to do
  • ensure consistency of approach throughout the schools
  • use homework as a tool to help continue to raise standards of attainment
  • improve the quality of the learning experience offered to pupils and to extend it beyond the classroom environment
  • provide opportunities for parents, children and the school to work together in partnership in relation to our pupil’s learning
  • reinforce work covered in class by providing further opportunities for individual learning
  • practise and consolidate basic skills and knowledge, especially in Numeracy and Literacy
  • encourage children to develop the responsibility, confidence and self-discipline needed to study independently
  • enable children to transfer skills cross-curricular

2. The Nature of Homework

Homework can be set in different ways, and with different expectations and outcomes:

  • The nature and type of homework should change throughout a pupil’s school career 
  • The nature and type of homework should consolidate classroom learning
  • The amount and frequency of homework should increase as a pupil gets older, but should always be appropriate to the ability of the individual child
  • Homework should not cause undue stress on the pupil, the parents or the teacher
  • Homework must be set regularly from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 6

3. Recommended Time Allocation

Homework should never be too time consuming, nor should it create stress for pupils and their families. If parents have any concerns, they should not hesitate to contact the school. Normally, more than one day will be allowed for the completion of a homework task, except where daily practice is to be required and needs to be encouraged, e.g. reading, spelling and times tables.

In line with the National Curriculum of England objectives, the following time allocations are recommended for homework activities:

  1. Early Years Foundation Stage: 1 hour per week
  2. Years 1 and 2:  1 – 1.5 hours per week
  3. Years 3 and 4:  1.5 – 2.5 hours per week
  4. Years 5 and 6:  30 – 60 minutes per day
  5. Years 7 and 9:  60 minutes per day
  6. Years 10 to 11:  At least 60 minutes per day, but could be more.

4. Homework Tasks for EYFS and Primary

Listed below, for each Phase, are examples of tasks and activities that might be given as homework. Please note that this list is by no means exhaustive and open to constant change. Homework activities may change to meet the needs of the pupils, and will be relevant to the class programme.

All homework tasks and activities will have a clear purpose and assist pupils in the process of their academic development. The list below is therefore not exhaustive:

Phase 1 – Foundation Stage

  • Practise letter sounds according to the Edison International Academy’s Jolly Phonics plan 
  • Reading books and key words
  • Counting up and down stairs, number of jumps, number of tins etc.
  • Reciting nursery and counting rhymes.
  • Exercises aimed at the identification of shapes and/or colours
  • Letter and/or number tracing to enhance pencil control and letter and/or number recognition
  • Any exercises that are set to train gross and/or fine motor skills

Phase 1 – Year 1 and Year 2

  • Reading books and key words
  • Learning spellings
  • Learning number facts
  • Literacy activities and small, age-adequate and curriculum-relevant research projects are encouraged
  • Numeracy activities
  • Working out real life problems (i.e. house numbers, shapes in the house, etc.)


Phase 2 – Year 3 and Year 4

  • Reading
  • Spellings
  • Literacy activities, including  independent writing activities
  • Numeracy activities, including times tables
  • Handwriting practise
  • Small, age-adequate and curriculum-relevant independent research projects and presentations
  • Self-assessment of own learning

Phase 2 – Year 5 and Year 6

  • Reading
  • Spellings
  • Handwriting practise
  • Reading comprehension activities
  • Planning pieces of writing
  • Research projects and planning presentations
  • Researching topics
  • Times Tables
  • Number facts and number bonds

5. Homework tasks for Secondary Stage

Effective homework can play a significant role in improving learning and raising achievement. Not only does homework reinforce and support classroom learning, it also helps develop the independence and self-discipline necessary for lifelong success. We hope that homework will develop the skills of independent learning, and attitudes necessary for life-long learning.

In general, when homework is set, the emphasis will be on good quality tasks. The intrinsic value of homework activities is more important than the time spent on them. In any case, the precise amount of time that may need to be devoted to activities will vary from student to student. Homework should be appropriate to each individual’s ability and all students should be able to access work set.

How much homework will be set and when will it be due in?

Years 7 to 9 can expect up to one hour of homework per night during the week. They should record any homework set in their homework diary, as well as the deadline for a particular piece. Usually, students will NOT be asked to complete homework for the next day. This will support the students as they develop the important skill of planning their use of time to include their clubs and other activities, and leaving enough time to ask their teacher for help with their homework if they need it. Therefore, homework tasks will be given with a minimum of 48 hours to complete.

6. How can parents help?

Showing care and taking interest is perhaps the greatest help parents can give. Parents should check the student’s diary /digital messages daily. The homework diary/digital message is an important means of communication between the school and parents. Parents can also broaden their child’s education through planned visits to places of geographical, historical, scientific or cultural significance and interest, or by looking out for useful television programmes, newspaper articles or websites such as Al Jazeera, in both English and Arabic.

7. Role of the Class Teacher

  • to inform parents in writing at the beginning of each term, outlining the homework tasks and learning targets set for children, and if necessary give guidance of how they might assist their child. 
  • to set up regular homework in an easily followed routine
  • to ensure homework is set consistently 
  • to ensure homework is purposeful and links directly to the curriculum being taught
  • to mark homework appropriately regularly  and give individual feedback to pupils as necessary.
  • to reward and praise children who regularly and satisfactorily complete set homework tasks

Note: Whilst Edison International Academy is legally responsible to set homework on a regular basis, the school cannot enforce the completion of homework. However, pupils who do not complete their homework or who have not spent the recommended time attempting to complete their homework, will be provided time in school, after regular hours, to finish it with the help of staff, so that it can be ensured that the pupil understands and is confident regarding the homework content. 

Parents will be notified by letter/digital message if their child regularly fails to submit homework or does not spend the recommended time trying to complete their homework.

8. Role of the School Principal:

  • to check compliance of the Homework Policy
  • to meet and discuss with staff how far the policy is being successfully implemented
  • to meet and talk with parents when appropriate
  • to report to the Stakeholders on the success of the Homework Policy and suggest changes if necessary

9. Role of Parents/Caregivers:

  • to support the school by ensuring that their child completes or at least attempts the homework independently
  • to provide a suitable, quiet place for their child to carry out their homework
  • to become actively involved and support their child with homework activities
  • At Edison International Academy, we are very keen for parents to support their children with set homework tasks. We believe that children are likely to get more out of an activity if parents get involved and assist, as long as it is apparent to the teacher that the homework is the child’s own work, as we need to see what children can do on their own. It is particularly important for children to become independent in and responsible for their learning. If a parent is unsure what their role should be, they are encouraged to seek advice from their child’s teacher.

10. General:

Marking of homework: staff should mark homework that is returned by pupils. This will give the process of setting and completing homework a higher profile and status, and underpin the message that homework is an important and valued aspect of school life. Marking of homework is a way of keeping track of who has completed their homework, and a way of giving feedback and setting targets. 

  • Illness: if children are absent due to illness, we will assume that the child was unable to complete any homework tasks set
  • Long term absence: if a child is absent for a length of time (i.e. hospitalisation), the teacher will contact the parent to determine what should be done. In such circumstances, the Principal needs to be consulted. The school should resume the responsibility of ensuring that the parents/child are given daily work and any homework that is covered during the time of absence.
  • Students taking holidays during term time: it is not possible to give homework in such cases. The parents will be informed that the school cannot be responsible for ensuring the child has school work over this period. This is solely the responsibility of the parents.

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