Pass/Fail Policy


We achieve nothing without effort”

School Motto

1. Rationale:

Edison International Academy has all children’s best interest at heart. Every child learns at a different pace and it is therefore important to take this into account throughout and especially towards the end of each academic year. 

Should a student not meet the required level expectations as laid out in the curriculum document, Edison International Academy reserves the right to hold the student back from moving on to the next year group and/or next curriculum level, resulting in the student repeating their present year group and/or curriculum content level.

2. Applicable to: 

  1. All students from Year 1 to Year 9 who do not meet the expected grade (50%). This pass grade must be achieved in all academic subjects that the student is enrolled in (for example: English, Mathematics, Science, Social/Humanities, Arabic, Islamic Studies, Qatar History, French, ICT). The 50% grade is taken from the average mark taken for each subject over Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 assessments.
  2. At the end of the academic year, a cumulative report will be issued, alongside the Term 3 report, stating if the student has passed or not passed the academic year overall.
  3. Students who have not passed: In Term 1, parents will be informed to let them know the student is in danger of not passing the year via a letter, and an intervention programme will be put in place. Parents will sign that this information has been received.  In Term 2, a formal parent meeting will be held, to the parent that the child will be re-assessed. The parent will sign a letter to confirm this meeting. In Term 3, students who have not met the pass mark of 50% in the cumulative end of year report are re-tested, with parents being notified in writing about the date, time and subject of the re-test. Should the student still not meet the required pass mark (50%) after the re-test, the student will be retained at the current year level. The re-test in any subject will include some topics from Term 1 and 2 as well as 3.

  1. All students who have the attendance of less than 80% throughout an academic year.

Note: Absences that are authorised (doctor’s note, leave request form) will be taken into account.

3. Parental involvement:

All teaching staff at Edison International Academy are committed to updating all parents on a regular basis on their child’s academic progress, with at least one school report every term. Parents of children who are in danger of failing their year group in an academic year will be called to discuss their children’s progress well in advance, but latest towards the end of the second term. They will be informed in writing and such a letter will be handed over at the aforementioned meeting. If the parents fail to attend the meeting, the letter is accountable as delivered using the electronic means of communication, (eg Mograsys, Dojo or Whatsapp). This is to ensure that the necessary support can be given and children are given the opportunity to improve in the areas addressed to meet the required expectations for the year group.

4. Regulations for students from Year 10 upwards:

As the school cannot hold back students from registering for IGCSE examinations, nor AS Level and A Level examinations, irrelevant of their academic ability, students from Year 10 upwards will not be failed by the school.

The school follows the same regulations regarding attendance (80%) and will apply rigorous target setting, along with a minimum of three parent consultation meetings per term regarding the students’ progress towards achieving the target grade for the IGCSE examinations. 

Students wishing to move on to Year 12, need to show a minimum of 5 IGCSE subjects passed at a minimum grade of 5.

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